Administrators take control
The next creditors meeting was extended to the 21 October, 2020 by application to the Supreme Court who awarded the extension on 3 August, 2020
The next creditors meeting was extended to the 21 October, 2020 by application to the Supreme Court who awarded the extension on 3 August, 2020
The Sands Estate in particular has continued to grow ahead of the traditional market values. The median house price sits at $1,100,000, $180,000 more than the overall Torquay median house price [...]
Australian Ecosystems was awarded the contract to remove the Surfcoast’s designated weeds from the 8.14 ha of common property and the typha from the waterways.
Over the past three months repairs have been completed for Weirs 1 (near the 2nd Tee), Weir 3 (half way down the 8th fairway) and Weir 4 (opposite the 9th Tee).
The Surf Coast Shire Council has now agreed that the 2002 Ecology Australia EMP is the valid one. There has subsequently been two further EMPs, one by Fisher and Fisher (2004) and the last one by [...]
There are 574 Sheoaks planted on the nature strips in the Sands Estate. Originally when the Sands Estate was being developed the landscape architects recommended the Sheoak because it was iconic [...]
The Sands OC1 is formed by 400 stand-alone house lots (lots 1 - 400), 102 townhouses in The Coast (lots 401 - 500B), 24 townhouses between Sands Boulevard and Sands Terrace (lots 501 - 524), 100 [...]
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