Body Corporate Fees
Body Corporate Account fees for the first and second quarters of the 2020/2021 financial year will be reduced by 50% from $372 to $186 per quarter for lot owners with 10 points of lot liability.
Body Corporate Account fees for the first and second quarters of the 2020/2021 financial year will be reduced by 50% from $372 to $186 per quarter for lot owners with 10 points of lot liability.
Maintenance and repair works on Weirs 1, 3 & 4 by F.D. Civil are in progress and we are hopeful that weir 5 will also be repaired in the current calendar year.
As part of our ongoing annual rabbit control program, a licensed shooter will be onsite between the hours of 7pm-midnight, Wednesday 8th & 15th April 2020.
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